responsible operations

Responsible Operations


From the dedicated customers who receive our end products and form a vital part of our business; the valued workforce of AGC Chemicals Europe who keep the company going strong; to the people whose communities we operate within, our responsibility and quality of service extends to ensuring everyone is happy, healthy, and committed to our cause of achieving sustainability that is environmentally friendly and beneficial. A highly motivated team of employees, customers, and supportive citizens goes a long way to optimise practices in employment and operation at ACG Chemicals Europe; push limits and express pride in the community we grow. Each year, AGC Chemicals Europe hosts its ‘Family Fun Day’ in appreciation of all its employees and their families; to celebrate the efforts and hard work that go into protecting the environment.


We dedicate all of our resources to producing the most sustainable materials that influence our way of life and contribute to an eco-friendly living standard. Products such as our Fluon® ETFE fluorine-based plastic resins offer substantial thermal resistance and corrosion protection leading to longer product lifetimes, while our bio-based epichlorohydrin (ECH) is the top eco-friendly alternative to fossil-fuel-based propylene ECH; produced with 100% renewable carbon ready for resin, textile, and other chemical applications.


Our product development follows routine energy saving practices, including the efficiency of manufacture, the sustainability of production materials, and the reduction of our carbon footprint and impact on the environment.


We are dedicated to working closely in partnership with all our valued customers, suppliers, clients, and liaisons, with reliable and open communication to business and transaction procedures.


We understand as a chemical manufacturer that we have a part to play in our growing community; being transparent about our ideals for sustainability and actively getting involved in local good causes to help educate the younger generation and understand our own ecological practices. We work with schools and charities to voice our stand for sustainable living, while working in partnership with the well-known environmental regeneration charity, Newground, with the aim to help and teach hundreds of children every year around our UK base of operations.

FPG Manufacturing Programme for European Manufacturing Sites

We are pleased to announce that AGC Chemicals Europe, Ltd. as a member of the Fluoropolymer Products Group (FPG), has been directly involved in the creation of, and are signatories to, the industry Manufacturing Programme for European Manufacturing sites. This is voluntary commitment aimed at reducing PFAS emissions, and it sets specific targets for all signatories to reach by the end of next year, and the end of 2030. The full document can be found here.